Paulding County Hospital Quick Links
Sleep Medicine
Living with a sleep disorder can interfere with your performance at home, school or work and can even affect your relationships with family and friends. Sleep issues can also be dangerous, increasing the risk of vehicle accidents, high blood pressure and heart disease. Fortunately in most cases, sleep disorders can be easily managed once they are properly diagnosed.
The sleep clinic at Paulding County Hospital provides a variety of services including evaluation, medication, home sleep studies, and sleep studies at our on-site sleep lab.
For more information please call the Sleep Clinic at 419-399-1782.
Sleep Apnea
PCH now offers home sleep studies to assist with the diagnosis of sleep apnea. While you sleep in the comfort or your own bed, a device will record data, which will then be read by a physician who will determine the appropriate course of treatment.
One common treatment is a prescription for a CPAP machine, which delivers positive pressurized room air through a nasal mask to keep the airway open and prevent it from collapsing during sleep. PCH’s respiratory department can offer supplies and fittings for most recommendations.
Sleep Lab
What does a sleep study involve? Once your physician determines you need a sleep study, you will be scheduled to stay overnight at Paulding County Hospital’s sleep lab. You will have your own home-like bedroom that includes a full-size bed, television, and even a fan.
During your study, your breathing, brainwaves, muscle activity and heart rhythms will be monitored and recorded. After your sleep study, your test will be read by our sleep specialist and reviewed with you during a follow-up appointment.

Dr. Manuel Cervoni MD
Medical Doctor

Julie Arend, CNP
Certified Nurse Practitioner
If you have questions or need additional information about PCH’s sleep clinic, please call 419-399-1782.